
Pattern: Microservices Architecture

To reduce the costs of coordination among teams delivering large monolithic applications,build the software as a suite of modular services that are built, deployed, and operated independently

Microservices Architecture

A company has decided to move to cloud native and is looking at ways to speed up feature development and to optimize their use of cloud resources. The size of the development/engineering staff can range from a few tens, for a small to medium business, up to a few thousand for a large enterprise.

In This Context

Delivery of large monolithic applications developed by large teams require long and complex coordination and extensive testing, leading to longer TTM (Time to Market). Hardware use by such applications is inefficient, which leads to wasted resources.


Split applications into smaller, loosely coupled microservices that can be built,tested, deployed, and run independently from other components.


New systems are created from many small and independently built components with a complex web of connections.